
How To Video's
- Getting Started with MyArkit
- Noah's Easy Way to Organize
- Set up your profile and First Upload
- Search For People to Share with
- Create Albums
- Events Set Up
- Events Participant Set Up
- How to scan pictures the easy way (Epson Scanner example)
- How to use wireless microphone on you phone (Tempest Review)
- Organizing Photos with (Marie Kondo)
Answers to questions
Answer Life's Questions
- Any nicknames (How did you get them)
- Right handed or Left handed
- Allergies or ailments (vision, hearing, etc)
- Time, size, location of your birth
- Do you get motion sickness
- Style of dress
- Are you religious
- Earliest childhood memories
- Pets as a child
- Favorite toys
- Favorite Games
- Childhood Friends
- Best and Worst Birthdays
- Best and Worst Christmas or Holidays
- Earliest School memories
- Favorite Times with Mom or Dad
- Memories of Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles, Cousins.
- When did you learn to Swim
- Learn to Ride a Bike
- Church or Other Activities (Scouts, Clubs, etc)
- Favorite Movies or Stories or Books.
- Smells of youth (food, parents, pets, house, your room)
- Your most Interesting Look
- First Kiss
- First Crush
- First time driving a car or vehicle.
- School Grades
- School Names
- Any school clubs
- Favorite teachers
- Braces, Acne or other
- Practical Jokes
- Dating stories (good or bad)
- Career Choices like College, trades etc
- First Apartment, house
- Military service
- Meeting that special one
- Marriage
- Places you’ve lived
- Hobbies or Clubs
- Favorite Food
- Favorite Music
- Favorite Movies
- Any superstitions
- Best and worst about getting older
- Parents (names, looks, etc)
- Brothers and sisters
- Aunts and Uncles (cousins)
- Grandparents
- Vacations taken
- Family Traditions
- Holiday Traditions
- Children
- Whats your happiest memory of your kids?
- What was your first year of parenthood like?
- Anything about our family history you’ve kept secret?
- Nicest thing your kids ever done for you?
- What do you want, or wish most for your kids?
- What’s one thing you want your kids to remember about you when your gone?

Scan Those Pictures
EPSON-WorkForce ES-50 SCANNER. The fastest and lightest mobile single-sheet-fed document scanner in its class, features fast speeds ― scanning a single page in as fast as 5.5 seconds. This small, portable scanner accommodates extra-long pages, ID cards and more.

Tales card game
Learn their stories. Build a deeper connection. 150 expert-crafted question prompt cards that help you preserve their memories for generations to come.