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Answers to questions

Answer Life's Questions

  1. Any nicknames (How did you get them)
  2. Right handed or Left handed
  3. Allergies or ailments (vision, hearing, etc)
  4. Time, size, location of your birth
  5. Do you get motion sickness
  6. Style of dress
  7. Are you religious
  1. Earliest childhood memories
  2. Pets as a child
  3. Favorite toys 
  4. Favorite Games
  5. Childhood Friends
  6. Best and Worst Birthdays
  7. Best and Worst Christmas or Holidays
  8. Earliest School memories
  9. Favorite Times with Mom or Dad
  10. Memories of  Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles, Cousins.
  11. When did you learn to Swim
  12. Learn to Ride a Bike
  13. Church or Other Activities (Scouts, Clubs, etc)
  14. Favorite Movies or Stories or Books.
  15. Smells of youth (food, parents, pets, house, your room)
  1. Your most Interesting Look
  2. First Kiss
  3. First Crush
  4. First time driving a car or vehicle. 
  5. School Grades
  6. School Names
  7. Any school clubs
  8. Favorite teachers
  9. Braces, Acne or other
  10. Practical Jokes
  1. Dating stories (good or bad)
  2. Career Choices like College, trades etc
  3. First Apartment, house
  4. Military service
  5. Meeting that special one
  6. Marriage 
  7. Places you’ve lived
  8. Hobbies or Clubs
  9. Favorite Food
  10. Favorite Music 
  11. Favorite Movies 
  12. Any superstitions
  13. Best and worst about getting older
  1. Parents (names, looks, etc)
  2. Brothers and sisters
  3. Aunts and Uncles (cousins)
  4. Grandparents 
  5. Vacations taken 
  6. Family Traditions 
  7. Holiday Traditions
  8. Children 
  1. Whats your happiest memory of your kids?
  2. What was your first year of parenthood like?
  3. Anything about our family history you’ve kept secret?
  4. Nicest thing your kids ever done for you?
  5. What do you want, or wish most for your kids?
  6. What’s one thing you want your kids to remember about you when your gone?

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